Hovercraft: Vehicle Without Borders

One of the most interesting designs in transportation technology, hovercraft is a candidate for the future. Floating above the ground, this extraordinary machine, flying on land and on the sea, due to the ability to reach the farthest corners of the world with no geographical boundaries.


The working principle of hovercraft is that the vehicle moves on an airbag. Higher compressed air than Normal air pressure is sprayed towards the base by the motors and the vehicle is cut to the ground. So the vehicle moves slightly above the ground. Besides the vertical movement, the vehicle's forward movement is provided by propeller motors positioned perpendicular to the floor. Manoeuvrability is also returned around its own axis and is provided with wings on the rear side of the vehicle. The lower section is coated with a flexible material called a skirt. In this way, the airbag is kept at some point and the air escape is prevented.


The idea of hovercraft was first shaped by the Swedish scientist Emanuel Swendenborg in the 1700s. The swendenborg claimed that the vehicle could remain on the water if the air had been adequately pressed under a reversed boat. But the technological level of the period was very backward in terms of implementing this project. More serious studies were conducted by British engineer Sir John Isaac Thornycraft in the 1870s. It is known that the British engineer has done some experiments and patented the idea. Although many different scientists made various designs, none of them succeeded enough to prove the theory. But the British inventor Christoper Cockerel uncovered the first successful prototypes in the 1950s, solving all the design issues. Because of this achievement, Cockerel, who was awarded the title "Sir", was also the first successful hovercraftin to be named SR-N1 in the year 1959.


Today, we see that the giant SR-N4 passenger hovercraft from single-seater vehicles are manufactured to a wide range of hovercraft. Since the 1970s, SR-N4 has been one of the most preferred vehicles in France-UK travel, with an extremely fast crossing of the Manş Sea. This enormous vehicle can easily reach speeds of up to 90-100 kilometers per hour while carrying 450 passengers and 65 vehicles comfortably.


These vehicles, which are also used in military areas, are very convenient to use for extraction purposes, so many countries are taking active positions in naval forces. These vehicles, which were not affected by sea and land mines, were actively involved in the Gulf War, as they did not touch the floor.


The main advantage of Hovercraftin is that it is fast, but it does not need any road or harbour. The fuel consumption is very low because it is not exposed to friction force.


In the early 1960s, it was thought that fast hovercraft could be exploited in seas, deserts or ice-covered areas. But in a short time, the problems were realized; The frequent parts and maneuverability of the saltwater effect caused this vehicle to not be exactly what was expected. But thanks to developments in technology, this design will be further improved.


It is now possible to say that the overcraft will have a unique place in the transportation if they are purified from their weaknesses and developed in areas where it is good.