What are the types of dental prostheses?

Dental prostheses are divided into fixed prostheses and movable prostheses.

Fixed prosthesis: It is divided into fixed prosthesis with implanted support and crowned bridge prosthesis.

Movable prosthesis: Full moving prosthesis, Partial moving prosthesis, Implant supported moving prosthesis.

Implant supported removable prostheses are classified according to the types of joints.

Partial Movable prostheses are divided into two, one is braided and the other is sensitive bracket

Fully movable prostheses are divided into two, normal and supported.

There are magnetic prostheses that are applied to patients who do not have too much supportive tissue, have no teeth on their mouth, and have excessive loss of jawbone.

Sometimes the desired outcome can not be achieved in total dentures applied in full-toothless patients.

This is seen in patients with extreme loss of jawbone. Total prostheses applied to these patients can come out of the mouth of the patient while eating or talking.

When a magnetic prosthesis is applied, the prosthesis does not move. Eating and chewing are not troublesome. It regains self-confidence in social life.